Friday, May 8, 2009

Hey! Sorry about not posting in so long :)

Bonjour tout le monde!

Je suis vraiment desolée que je n'ai pas écrit il y a longtemps.

I'm really sorry I haven't written in so long. I've been pretty busy, and I haven't found time to write. I've been having a great time. I've had a lot of new and interesting experiences. Just last weekend I got back from my spring break with my parents in Italy. I will be posting the pictures right after I finish writing this.

As my time left here grows shorter and shorter, I find myself wishing I could stay here longer, but I know I have to go back home soon. France has really grown on me, and not only that, I now have a boyfriend here in France. I know it was a stupid idea to start a relationship only 5 months before I had to go home, but I did it anyways, and it's been one of the best experiences in my life. I don't know if we'll be together after I return to the states, I will just have to wait and see, and live life one day at a time.

Right now I'm in the middle of my final exams. I'm also in the middle of trying to find a job in France for my last month and a half here. Right now I think I will be here till the end of June. This is not, of course, set in stone. I don't have my return ticket yet. I have my dorm till the end of June, so...I don't know. I really want to stay as long as I can. As the french say "Je veux profiter de mon temps que j'ai en France."

I feel that I have changed a lot while I've been over here. I am no longer the same shy girl who hid behind the college hoodies and a pony tail. But in a way I am the same, I'm still me. One can't really change all that much. As my mom said, "A tiger can't change his stripes." I will always be me, I will always be Shannon, no matter where I am, how I dress, or what language I'm speaking.

I hope to be able to return to France after I graduate. I want to teach English in France for a while. We'll see how that works out. I can't guarantee anything. I have to graduate from Bellarmine first.

My trip with my parents was amazing. Sorry I didn't explain a lot about that in this post. I just felt like reflecting. I guess I was in that kind of mood.

This probably will not be my last post. I will try to post and update you guys on how my job search in France is doing, and when I will be coming back to the states. I hope to see you all this summer before I start my classes for my senior year at the end of August. I miss you all!

Today I don't have class because it's a national holiday celebrating the end of WWII. I heard everything is closed, but my friend and I are going to try to go to the beach anyways. Who wants to waste such a beautiful day? It's 75 degrees and sunny, and I don't have exams today....I don't want to miss it!

So, all said and done, I would have to say that my experience in France was something I am really glad I had the opportunity to do. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience, and I would highly reccommend it to anyone wishing to study abroad. I have friends who didn't have as great of a time as I did. I'm not sure if it was the place I'm in, the friends I've made, or just the sunshine all year long, but I truly enjoyed this year. I wish my cousin Nolan best of luck next year. He's studying in France next year....I don't remember what city, but it's not too far from here he said.

Well, I will get going on posting all those pictures....

À bientôt!

I love and miss you all!
