Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Hi Everyone!

So, I just got back from my travels to both Dublin, Ireland and Barcelona, Spain. I had a great time. Just look at the previous two entries to see my pictures. In a way I am really glad to be back in France. I get to sleep in my own bed, take showers in my own shower, and not have to keep constantly switching languages. The hardest was when I was in Barcelona, because then it wasn't only between French and English, there was Spanish thrown in too.

I know, I've only taken one year of Spanish, but I know enough to be able to listen to some conversations and understand the basic concept. I can also ask simple questions and such. It was enough for me to survive in Barcelona for 4 days.

I had a great time, met some interesting people while staying in hostels the whole time, and I plan on going traveling again before I leave France in June. I think the next few places on my list are Germany and Italy. I don't know when I'll be going, or who I'm going with, or even if I'm going to those places, but there is where I want to go.

I would also like to go to Paris sometime, and maybe England again, but since I have already visited those places, I will not be too disappointed if I don't make it there.

I do wish I could have been home for Christmas because I feel that it is more of a family holiday. However, I did not mind being in Barcelona for New Year's. It was tons of fun. I went with my friend Crystal (who is from the states) and Haissam and Omar (who are Lebanese). So we constantly had guys with us, and we didn't get mugged like some people did. It's not safe to go to big cities like that alone.

All right, well I guess it's time for me to make a New Year's resolution. I've realized that I haven't been concentrating on making myself happy. I've been dwelling on the past and on what will never be. So my new year's resolution is to try to live in the moment. Enjoy life day by day, and take the good as it comes along with the bad and make the best of it.

Well, I'm gonna go do homework now I guess. My exams are coming up in about a week. Wish me luck!

I love and miss you all!




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