Thursday, March 5, 2009


So, after a rather interesting day of travels...I finally made it to Rome. My flight from Paris to Rome was delayed and rerouted to the airport in Brussels, Belgium (which is a 3 hour bus ride away btw...) due to....FOG. So, after getting to Rome 6 hours later than expected...I am feeling rather drained....but least I got here...and the hostel is actually pretty nice. Free internet, breakfast in the morning, its actually clean. Cool stuff. So tomorrow Ill be seeing either the Vatican museum, or the colleseum...whatever we are in the mood for.

Once I get home Ill post pics...cant right now....not my computer. Cant write apostrophes either...silly Italian key board.

Gelato= freaking amazing greatness

I could totally go for trying more pizza though...we got some cheap stuff, and it was good...but I know theres better stuff here.

Well...Im gonna go. Ill talk to you all later!

I love and miss you all



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