Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I'm back from Rome!!!

All right, so I'm in the middle of uploading all of my pictures I took in Rome. I took a ton, so I'm sorry I had to split it up into multiple albums, and I'm sorry for the lack of real organization and/or labels...with over 200 pics, it's sorta hard for me to keep things organized. Here is a short list of what I did and/or saw in Rome:

-The Vatican
-The Vatican museums
-the Pantheon
-saw random ruins...they all had names, but I can't remember them all...I just remembered that they looked cool
-ate tons of gelato...mmmmmm
-ate pizza
-lasagna :)

Then we were off to Paris for 2 days...where we did not much but sleep and wander the champs elysees....we were too lazy by then :P

The next 3 or 4 entries will all be pictures of my trip. As always just click on the picture, and it will take you to the photobucket album. Enjoy!

I love and miss you all!



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