Sunday, August 31, 2008

Chicago trip 2008

Photobucket Album

Click on the picture to see my pictures from our trip to Chicago to get our French visas :)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Help help! I'm going insane!

Hi everyone! Well, my 2 friends who will be in France the same time as I am left for France yesterday. I miss them already. I can't wait till I get to leave, because until then I'm left here at home to worry.

I think I'm going to miss having a roommate next year. There will be no one to talk to, which will be a very boring existence, not to mention lonely.

Well, until I leave for France, I will devote my time to practicing my French so that I don't completely freak out when I get there.

PS- When I get my pictures back from my lovely trip to Chicago to get my student visa, I will post them. However, I am still waiting for Kroger to get done with them. NEVER HAVE YOUR PICTURES DEVELOPED AT A GROCERY STORE...ITS A TERRIBLE IDEA!!!!


Monday, August 18, 2008

Montreal Photos

Photobucket Album
Here are some pics I took during my trip to Montreal Fall of 2007

Up up and away......or I will be soon at least....

Well, I'm getting ready for France. I'm trying to get my birth certificate translated, compile a decent wardrobe, obtain all of the essentials ( ex, international phone card, random meds for my first aid kit, travel sheets...which involves sewing 2 top sheets together, and a purse that is pick pocket free)

I am so excited. I was looking up what my dorm room will be like, and both options for what I may get next year are 10 meters squared. Option number 1 includes basic furnishings, and a washbasin. Option number 2 (which I'm hoping for) includes basic furnishings, a complete bathroom, and a refrigerator!

I'll probably end up with option number 1 because I am paying my room and board to Bellarmine, so they'll probably give me whatever they have. But hey, at least it's a room. I am excited that all of the rooms have internet connection. Well, the website says that all of the rooms should have internet by September 08, so I'm hoping everything's installed and ready when I get there at the end of September.

I am sorry that I had to change blogs for France. The open diary web site is difficult to use and navigate, and I decided that it would be too difficult for everyone to try to read. I wasn't having fun designing it, so it can't be fun to try to find it.

Well, I hope to figure out this website. It seems easy enough.

