Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I has dishes! Yays for cooking :)

So today I went to the international office to fill out my forms for the carte de sejour (my visa), and I got some free dishes! So now I can cook as much spaghetti as I want :) Mind you I will be limited on what I can acually cook because I don't have a frige ( or un frigo en Francais!) So I have a pan, a pot, 3 plates, a bowl like tupperware thingy, a cup, a mug, a wooden spoon, a strainer, and some silverware.

I went to carrefour today with a couple of my friends (carrefour is the french version of walmart) I finally got laundry detergent, so now I can wash my clothes. Everything costs way too much here. I feel like I spend at least 2 times as much on my groceries here as I would in the states.

It seems as if they serve fish at the cafeteria every day. Sometimes you'll get an alternate choice, like yesterday was duck. I know this sounds sad, but I miss Bellarmine's food so much when I have to eat at the cafeteria here. I've heard lunch is better there, but I haven't been there around lunch time yet. The cafeteria is near my dorms, and I'm usually in town at lunch time.

Well, I'm gonna go try to study some French. My placement test is tomorrow morning at 10. Wish me luck!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Exploring Aix

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To see some pics of Aix en Provence, click on the picture above :)

New friends, and food!

Hi everyone!

I am really happy today, and I think part of it is that it's really sunny out today. Another reason is that I made some new friends yesterday, and found the school cafeteria, so I won't be as poor by buying groceries all the time. A meal ticket at the school cafeteria is 2.85 euros (but if you don't give the lady exact change she gets mad at you....I gave her a 20 and she looked at me like she wasn't going to accept it)

Today I'm going out to get some more minutes for my phone (my experiment with using an international phone card and my cell phone didn't work to well, and it ate all my minutes) I ended up getting a virgin mobile phone for 29 euros. The recharge cards are 20 euros a month, so I don't think it's that bad.

Last night the power went out on my floor for no reason, and it was really interesting trying to help some girl that only speaks French try to fix it....unsuccessfully. The power eventually came back on this morning.

So, today I promise to take my camera with me when I go out to explore with one of my new friends. I know most of you want to see pictures of downtown. I don't think the open air markets are open on Saturdays, but it's really pretty anyways.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


Well, I'm in France! I haven't done much yet, or met many people, but I have explored my surroundings a bit. Today I went with my advisor to the bank to sign up for my bank card. I also got a cell phone to use to call local numbers and such. Well, at least now I can call my friends Keebee and Rin who are also in France this year.

After the cell phone and the bank card, we went to the center of Aix-en-Provence (which will now be referred to as Aix for the rest of my entries) It's so beautiful. Here I thought that the city was passable, not many stores, sorta dirty, lots of poor people, but that was only because I hadn't seen the center of town. Next time I go there I'll bring my camera. The streets are so narrow that cars can't fit down them. There was a market in the square selling anything from fruit, vegetables, scarves, bread, purses, and even flowers. Shops everywhere! And fountains, there are many fountains in town. I ate my lunch today sitting on one of these fountains. I had people coming up to me to ask for directions because they thought I was a native.

Tomorrow I have another meeting with my advisor, and I'll be meeting my fellow students. I hope I make some friends. The first 2 days were boring and lonely other than getting lost in the city twice. My dorm is a 15 to 20 minute walk to the center of town. My classes are also in the center of town, so I'll be doing a lot of walking.

For anyone reading this who plans on going to France, here is something you need to know about the bathrooms. The toilets have no seats (at least the ones I've seen) and there is no toilet paper in the stalls...its BYOTP (bring your own toilet paper) ....so make sure you bring some with you in your suitcase for the first night.

Well, I'm off to find dinner, and a post office. I need an envelope and a stamp for French social security for some reason.

My new room!

Photobucket Album
Click on the picture above to see the photo album......of DoOm!!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Is it genius?....or boredom?

I feel like I've accomplished something. I finally figured out how to make my photo album posts look better. I think I figured it out because I was bored. For the last week I haven't been doing much because my car's brakes are broken. So...I'm stuck at home unless my mom takes me places or if friends come and kidnap me.

I've taken this time to watch a lot of movies, make sure I have the right paperwork for my trip to France, and catch up on sleep (I've been sleeping in till 11am every morning)

Well, tootles!