Saturday, February 21, 2009

I'm going to Rome!!!!

Hi Everyone!

So I have a break coming up the first week of March, and my friend Crystal and I decided to go to Rome. The flights were actually cheap that week, so we are really excited. We are going to end up paying 200 euros for flights and hostels, and then we have to pay for our own food and touristy things. I am so excited!!!! I've never been to Italy before. I promise to take lots of pictures.

Ugh...someone was knocking on my door at like 10's Saturday...I don't answer the door before noon damn it! So I pretended to be asleep. I have a feeling it was the new girl from Spain...I think I'm her only friend here so far. If she knocks on my door again I'll is now past noon.

On a different note, I finally found a good online French radio station. It's a mix of popular american music, and popular french music...I couldn't find one with just french....but all of the commercials and news flashes are in French...

I had a great week :) I am so happy right now!

I love and miss you all!

A bientot!



Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hey! Long time no see!

So, sorry it's been about a month since my last post. It's just not a lot has been going on. I've been going to class like usual. I have all the same classes as last semester, so it just feels like a continuation of first semester....with some new kids.

I have absolutely no idea what I am going to do for my break the first week of March...Crystal and I were talking about going to Normandie...but we need to seriously get together and make plans. Valentine's day is coming up....or should I say "singles awareness day". I'm slightly depressed about that, but I'll be ok. I'll just buy myself some nice chocolate and watch a girly movie.

My roomie from the states showed me a clip from this musical that is going to be coming to Marseille in the end of May. I really want to go! It's called Cleopatre, and the music is so pretty! Here's a clip from the musical if you would like to see :

Well...I can't think of anything else to share, life is sorta boring at the moment. All I can say is at least it's not too stressful.

On a side note, I think all those headaches I've been having are migraines....I'm not sure if I should go to the doctor about it...I've been getting at least one a week for the past month. This week I've had one every day so far. It sucks.

Well, I'll talk to you all later!

I love you and miss you all!

