Sunday, January 11, 2009

It's crunch time!

Bonjour tout le monde!

Well, the snow is all melted, and it's back up to 40 degrees Fahrenheit here in Aix. I've spent most of my weekend studying for my finals which are this week and the next week coming up. I haven't studied this much since I left the states. Most of this year has been review so far, along with a few things that I never knew before....random grammar rules, pronunciation, etc.

I don't have an exam tomorrow, but I do have exams I think every other day this week. I keep on getting confused on which classes have their exams when because of the half week of snow days we had last week. So I'm just going to be ready for an exam on the day of that class this week, and if the exam is next week, oh well, at least I studied.

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do after graduation. I would really love to go abroad again, but I didn't know if it was possible. Then I talked with my advisor, and she told me that she didn't know if I could go "study" abroad again, but I certainly could go teach English in a different country. That way I would get a certificate to teach English abroad. I am so excited. I would really love to go to a spanish speaking country for that because I want to improve my spanish. Next year I'll be taking spanish both semesters, so I'll probably be ok to spend a summer in a spanish speaking country. I also think it would be better for me to go to South America. I've already seen Spain, and living in Europe is so expensive. None of this is definite yet. I haven't made plans. My advisor was just giving me ideas of what I can do after graduation.

On a different note, completely out of the blue I learned how to roll my r's today. I was just sitting here studying and poof...I did it. I've been trying to do that for years because not only is it good for spanish, but now I'll be able to play those 16th notes on my flute with no problem.

Ok, I guess that's it for this random entry. I should get back to studying, even though I hate studying I know it's neccesary.

À bientôt!




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