Thursday, January 8, 2009

Snow!!!!!! in Aix?

So, this is snow day number 2 for me. Yesterday it snowed 6 inches in Aix-en-Provence, and the french people didn't know what to do. They were all walking around with confused looks on their faces with their umbrellas. Who uses an umbrella in a snow storm anyways? That's completely pointless.

So, since I live in a rather hilly area, and they don't really have snowplows, I didn't have school yesterday, and I don't have it again today. I'm sort of glad that they didn't make me go to class. I wasn't looking forward to the 30-40 minute walk through the slushy snowy mess. The busses aren't running, and there's nothing open. I'm lucky I bought toilet paper the day before the storm :P

So, I will be living off of just noodles today because that's all I've got. But hey, at least I have food. I plan on going out again to play in the snow, so I'll post the pictures that I took yesterday, and hopefully some that I plan on taking today later on when I get back from the park.

It looks so white outside. There's steam in the air, and snow on everything, so even the air is white. The sky is white. It's so bizarre. Yesterday it looked so much like Buffalo outside it was scary. While everyone else was freaking out about the amount of snow, I was so excited to go play in it. Apparently they only get this much snow once every 10 years, so I was just so lucky enough to witness it I guess.

Ok, well, I'm going to go play in the snow now.

J'aime bien la neige! Je pense que je vais m'ammuser bien dans le parc aujourd'hui. Peut-être je ferai un homme de neige! Je ne sais pas encore.

Je vous souhaite une bonne journée! Vous me manque toujours!

À bientôt!


oh want a translation for that french? really? ok....

(I love the snow! I think that I am going to have fun in the park today. Maybe I will make a snowman. I don't know yet.

I wish you all a good day. I miss you always!

Talk to you soon!)

see? I can speak french and know what I'm saying :P

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