Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas Everyone....and what in the world is St. Stephen's Day anyways?

Hi Everyone!

Well, my christmas was ok. I woke up yesterday morning to free breakfast, and one of the staff of the hostel I'm staying in was dressed up as Santa and handing out gifts. I got a coloring book! Yays!

So, then we went to lunch at the hotel where the christmas party was supposed to be, but since the party was booked we had to eat something else than what they were serving for the party. I was fine with that, I just wanted food. Nothing was open yesterday! Nothing!

Finding dinner was an adventure. We ended up walking around for about an hour before we settled on a convenience store that sold food. I got some asian noodles, but she put too much spicy stuff in it so I didn't finish it, and I have leftovers that I don't think I'm gonna eat. From prior experience spicy food gets spicier when put in the fridge overnight.

Then, after we were done with eating dinner, we happened to meet some friendly Brazilian guys who were speaking French. They heard us speaking french and they were really excited to meet us. They speak portuguese and french, not much english. So I guess to meet us they were really happy. They are also studying abroad this year in France. One of them in Switzerland, one in Lyon, and one in Le Mans....however that's spelled.

They were really nice, and we went out for a walk at like 11pm....Which was ok since we had 3 guys with us so we didn't have to worry about walking around town at night by ourselves. Since I came to Dublin with only my friend Crystal, it's not too safe to be walking around after dark by ourselves.

So today is St. Stephen's day, and I've heard that a lot of stuff is closed again today. We're going to some lunch thing at 12:30. Then I'm not sure what we're going to do....probably walk around again. Tomorrow a lot more stuff is open, so I'm really excited about having things to do tomorrow.

Ok, well, I'll update later. Merry Christmas everyone! .....and Happy St. Stephen's day :P

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