Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I'm moving up in the world!

So, today I faced my fears and went to the office to see the man in charge to see if I could change levels. After speaking to like 5 different people and having to fight with his secretary, I finally got moved. I don't know what it is, but it seems whenever I have to go to an office to get something I have to fight with the secretary. I think they just like a good argument. I'm not really sure, but you really have to have some courage to go up against some of those. I have a friend who isn't going to change levels even though he's about as good at French as I am just because he's scared of the secretary.

So now we were talking about Corsica and conjugating verbs in the subjunctive. We took actual notes, and I didn't have to amuse myself by playing tic tac toe with the person sitting next to me. It's always a good sign when I walk out of 4 straight hours of class dead tired. That means I actually learned something. I'd rather have my classes challenge me and give me a headache than bore me to tears. I guess that's because I'd rather be busy all the time. We actually have a quiz on Thursday. I think I'll do ok as long as I study.

Well, I'll update later, hopefully with pictures. I always seem to forget to bring my camera places. I needs to get a bigger purse to carry my folders and my camera and such....

1 comment:

Shirley Nicaise said...

Hi Shannon,
I finally got on your website and read all your blogs. I'm glad you were able to get your level changed. That will make life much more interesting!
Love, Grandma