Thursday, October 2, 2008

Placement test....of DOOM!!!!

Hi Everyone!

Well, yesterday I took my placement test to decide which level of French classes I'll be in. Parts of it were easy, and others I was trying to remember....hmmmm which tense should I use? Do I use qui or que? I guessed, and I'm pretty sure I got some things wrong, but overall I think I did ok. The oral part on the other hand, that was hard. I got the lady who doesn't prompt you with a question. Instead she says ok, talk about anything you like. I have problems doing that in English let alone French! What was that lady thinking? So, I think I failed that part. I talked about a few things, but since I was so scatterbrained at the moment, I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words. I should have just talked about myself. But instead I was trying to talk about things I like, and it wasn't working out too well.

Well, tomorrow I should get my scores back. I'm just hoping for above beginner. I have taken enough french classes that I think I'd go insane if I was in beginner level. I know I forgot a lot of the grammar rules over the summer, but those come back pretty quick.

Tonight there's a party for the international students. I don't know what the dresscode is, but I think I'll wear a nice shirt, and my dark jeans. I don't feel like putting my dress pants on, and then realizing everyone else wore jeans. Well, I might wear my dress pants....I does not know. Poor indecisive me.

On Monday my classes start, and I am so excited to meet some more new people. It's nice to have more of a choice to who I can hang out with. Only having about 4 friends gets a bit lonely, especially if most of my friends here are the go out and party all the time sort of people. They are nice to hang around with when they're not partying, but I would love to have some people more like me to hang around with.

Oh! Guess what? On Sunday there's a trip to climb the mountain which you can see from here. It looks like a pretty big mountain. The other hills around it are covered in trees....and then there's this big rock, like something out of the Swiss Miss commercial or something. Crazy mountain or rock! Well, I'll make sure to bring my camera, I'm pretty sure there will be some nice views of Aix.

Well, I'm off to find something to do today. Tootles!

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